Eyebrows and Hair Removal

Eyebrows & Hair Removal

I only use the Gold-Standard of hair removal, and it’s only available to certified professionals.

A soy-based product, Nufree contains no tree resin or animal products and does not stick to the skin. This prevents micro-tears in the skin, the breaking of hair without removing it completely, and excessive pain and irritation.

 All Nufree hair removal services come with the after-care cream Finipil to take home absolutely FREE. Finipil is antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antibacterial, it cools and sooths the skin, reducing redness and discomfort, and protects the empty hair follicles, preventing ingrown hairs.

Keeping with only using the absolute highest quality products, Refectocil brand dyes and accessories are used for eyebrow tinting and dying.