Nufree Hair Removal vs Traditional Wax

Everyone who asks me about hair removal, eyebrow waxing, etc. asks me the same question- What is Nufree?

Let me back up. When people inquired about waxing, I tell them that I actually don’t use a traditional wax, I use a product called Nufree. It is a far superior product for several reasons.

Nufree® is a botanical, non-wax hair removal product that remains liquid when applied to the skin. Unlike traditional waxes that harden and can tear the skin, Nufree® adheres to the oils of the hair without sticking to the skin’s surface. This means it won’t cause skin irritation or break hairs during removal. Nufree is a soy-based product that does not contain any tree-resins or allergens, so it is much better for people with sensitive, reactive skin.

  1. Hydro-Phobic: Nufree® is a botanical triglyceride that is hydro-phobic, meaning it won’t evaporate when heated. Traditional wax-based products can lose product due to evaporation in warmers, but Nufree® remains stable.

  2. Antimicrobial Properties: Nufree® is self-preserving and has antimicrobial/antibacterial properties. It won’t harbor bacteria and can be reheated without losing its effectiveness.

  3. Comfort: Nufree® regulates its temperature upon skin contact, ensuring maximum comfort for clients. There’s no need to pre-dry the skin, reducing the risk of irritation and infection.

    In addition to Nufree, I also use an aftercare cream called Finipil. Finipil is anti-microbial, anti-septic, and anti-biotic. It cools the area, reduces redness, and protects the empty hair follicles. I also send everyone who comes for hail removal home with a small amount of Finipil to continue to use at home, to prevent irritation, any type of folliculitis and to keep the area comfortable.


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